Saturday, November 21, 2009

And We Come to a Close.....

Goodness! Its Almost the end of the trimester, and there's still so much to do! Tuesday is the last day of 1st trimester AND the day teachers post final grades. I did get a bit lazy during the middle of the tri and now I'm REALLY wishing i stuck with it. I ended up having to take after school tests to avoid not flunking my math class. Geography on the other hand i WAS about to flunk, and after a little bit of lecturing from my parents (DARN YOU GRADES SENT IN THE MAIL!) i decided i need to start studying a lot more, and paying attention (If I had to go through summer school again, i don't think i could do it.)

So after studying, and paying attention i found out these tests and getting good grades isn't as hard as i thought. So I have gone from an F to a C- (doesn't sound like much, but keep in mind that I failed the first 3 tests miserably), and NOW i don't have to take a bunch of make-up tests OR do summer school to graduate from high school. :)

The one class i did get an A in though was my sculpture class. That is my favorite class this year though, because i get to make anything I'd like it to look like or be shaped. Also its helped me find out what materials/subjects i like to use. My first sculpture i did was made of wires (mostly copper wires), that we had to strip and then make into the shape of a bug. I thought it would be really fun to make but ended up hating it, and finding a new hate for bending wire. Finishing my project it ended up getting a C- (in my case that's a really bad grade for me to have in art).

It's supposed to look like this (or a professionals art anyway, i guess its how it was supposed to look. Sadly mine failed).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Its been so long i even FORGOT i had a blog

Well it seems to have been around 7 or 8 months since last posted something so i figured why not get back on track?' So here is whats been going on lately
...or what I can recall...:)

I have been doing a lot of music stuff lately and have been able to get a b
ass guitar, after having to wait a few months for it. I FINALLY obtained one!!
The guitar is a Fender Jazz Bass, that's white with chrome and black. My dad was WAY nice and did some work for the owner of KSM and worked for half and then paid the rest. After tinkering with it for a few weeks i was able to get a gig bag and later a bass amp. The gig bag is a nice fender one, good for beginners. The bass amp is a Gallien Krueger 110 combo amp, which works very nicely for me. Its not to big but its a pretty good 70 watt, and about 10 cinches so I'm pretty good for now.
(the gig bag looks exactly like this except it doesn't have the gold on the front)

My mom got me a sewing book for my birthday. But not just ANY sewing book.... A STUPID CREATURES BOOK! (<-----this is the book. Its a really awesome book because it has really easy step-by-step guides to help you sew the creatures. Also with fun pictures and notes for your projects. WEE!)

Stupid creatures started from a guy trying to make a sock monkey, but ended up finishing it and accidentally making it look like a "stupid creature" or messed up looking monkey. So he go
t an idea to call them"Stupid Sock Creatures". here's the link for his site
He will do some really funny projects at times. Here's some of the classic ones he does and
also the names:

1# Bandit (This ones my favorite)

2# Red Wetty

3# Wronky (I want to make this one first)

He does other projects for sewing to. Zombabies is one of the new ones he's done.
(also if you go to "Galleries" on the site, you can see a BUNCH more of them and other really cute projects)

Here's one of

I want to start these creatures as soon as i can, so i guess its off to the sock isle for me! :D

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Yesterday Korby thought it would be a fun idea to take me to twilight for a late birthday present, so she came and asked me i said yes so we found out what time we should leave. When we got to the movie theater we got a great parking spot (we thought we'd have to park in the road or in the back of the parking lot, but we didn't!) and we got our tickets after about waiting 5 min in the line, 5 more min getting popcorn and a small snack. We even got a good seat for how many people were there. (the back to me is good cause the front i don't like because i have to bend my head all the time) The Whole Movie kept me sucked in and it wasn't to action-e or boring. (don't worry i won't say anything in the movie that will kill the movie for you those who haven't seen the movie yet.)

After the movie was over Korby asked what i thought about it. I LOVED IT, and you people that think Edward was lame and Jacob was so much better your wrong. (just kidding you can have and opinion about it).

So Yes i would say this movie is my 1# favorite movie of the year!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am the worst blogger ever.....

I haven't posted in 3 months due to the moving process and not having a computer to blog on at the time.
But now since i have a computer to do this on i can blog/post about all the things that have happened since i stopped blogging.

We have finally moved into a house AND own it. And i have an actual room (not a tiny room in the corner of the laundry room). Its a size i like and i can paint it! yay!
Problem is i don't exactly have a bed yet all i have now is a spring with legs and a ma tress on top of that. But my mom says that once the temperature is right we can spray paint my bed frame and then i can put my other full sized mattress on it.

My full sized mattress....not set my new bed frame......
and as you can see in the back ground i got my blinds up bad thing is i had a hole in my window and that's why there was spiders and bugs everywhere. (you don't want to know how many i found behind my head right where i was sitting.....ew!) good thing my dad got that fixed or i probably would've had a surprise awakening from something tickling my nose......(and yes i am wearing my pajamas in the picture)

My odd bed now with my fun stuffed animals.(note its lowness to the floor....)

What else i love
about my room is my closet i can now fit so much more than i used to. (it doesn't look like much from the picture but that's because it has two sliding doors that's just the first half of it.)

I finally got my stereo back AND my Cd's. so now my mom can barley get me out of my room now. I'm so excited to have a house to live in that's ours and no more cramming into the same room while having Finley keeping me up at night by rocking his Portable-crib right by my head and making the most annoying noise until 3' am, stopping and then starting to do that all over again 20 minutes later. So all is well and my life is slowly going back to normal and will hopefully go back to normal soon.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Girls Camp O8"

Well i left for girls camp July 7th i came home the 10th ,
during that 4 day period i had a LOT of fun i made a wind chime (which I'll get a picture if later)
and i got a lot of free stuff like a t-shirt, pirate that throws up candy (my favorite)
and a picture (plus a frame) of all the girls that came SUPER FUN!!!!
our theme for girls camp was:

Anchored by faith in Christ
Wherefore, whoso beliveith in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works,
being led to glorify God.
Ether 12:4

Brianna and Tessa
Brittany (holding pepper the salmons chihuahua), Me, Tessa, and Aubrey sitting the first night of camp!
Me and Tessa having fun with the inside jokes in our camp shirts (no sorry i can't post any of the inside jokes sadly.... :D)
Parents dinner the 2nd day
Brianna, Tessa, Sarah, and Emily at fireside
Emily and Sarah's tent
The first day we were there and eating lunch don't i look so calssy??? ;)
inside our tent (yay!)
Sister Greenlee's pugs
<---The first fire side <---Aubrey Brittany having fun with her water bottle and Tessa testing her camera below
Brother and Sister Greelee sharing our homemade popcorn.
Melissa and Brittany making crafts!

Me and the others about to go on a "Snipe hunt" (i figured it out about when we were about to start it that it was a trick but i ignored that and just played along for the little kids) with me and my confused look and the fact i have toothpaste in my nose doesn't really help. :)

(And by the picture is) Brother Jackson dressed as a pirate for the lesson on how to be anchored in your faith in God.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer school "fun"...

Well yesterday i was registered for summer school (which i had to due to failing science and LA) which sounded okay until i came to the school cause when i walked in i got the not so welcome greeting of Mr. Thornock.
(who is one of my not so favorite teachers) And sadly he had to be my science teacher for summer school and Mrs. Rose also had to be so my Language Arts teacher to... so 2 not so fun teachers had to be my teachers....
other than that i get to see some of my friends everyday and then some people i didn't want to even look at but it is all okay other than those things.